Wednesday, June 12, 2013

...Tubs you dont

Hello everyone!! I had my surgery today and it went well. It was supposed to only be an hr and a half but ended up being about 3 hours instead as the procedure was more involved than Dr. Clinton originally anticipated. He told my husband that one of the reasons the surgery took longer is because my muscle was more A-symmetrical than my outward appearance showed, causing him to need a larger implant for my left breast as well as having to score some of the tissue to release pressure on both sides and construct an inner pocket for the implant to cradle inside of because I didnt have one naturally. Retrieving the extra implant took about 45 mins. He also mentioned having to do some minor sculpting of the surrounding tissue to achieve a more symmetrical appearance. 

Drew (my husband) has been taking excellent care of me!! I was very impressed because Dr. Clinton called me last night to see how I was feeling and if i had any questions. I feel fine, just a bit drowsy and sore. I feel extreme tightness in my chest which is normal and of course it feels heavier. I havent felt any burning or much pain. So im guessing the medication is doing its job. Below are photos from today. You can see that my profile has already changed. As I heal they will look more natural and hopefully a little bigger :) I go in tomorrow to have the bandages removed.

Here we go!!

Im looking forward to tomorrow and having the bandages removed so i can see what they look like. Stay tuned in for more updates. Thank you for caring and taking the time to ready my blog!! 


June 13, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I hope this procedure will lift your self esteem and help you feel more like a woman. You have always been beautiful to me. Your blog is a good idea. It will help you later when you go over this and will help others who are affected with the same disfigurement that you have had. Love you girl. Gina
