Hello everyone!! Welcome to my blog!!
My name is Sadie (for those of you who don't already know me). I am starting this blog to document my experience with breast augmentation/esthetic sculpting.
My surgeons name is Dr. Michael Clinton. Dr. Clinton is a wonderful doctor and I would recommend him to anyone who needs help revealing their beauty.
The primary reason of this surgery is because I have a condition called Tuberous Breasts also know as Tubular Breasts. During puberty my breast development was stymied, they failed to develop normally and fully. Tuberous breasts are not simply small or underdeveloped breasts. The effect of the condition on the appearance of the breast can range from mild to severe (mine are severe) and typical characteristics include: enlarged, puffy areola, unusually wide spacing between the breasts, minimal breast tissue, sagging, higher than normal breast fold and narrow base at the chest wall.
Besides the unattractive physical deformity of my breasts, my condition has caused me to have very low self esteem and I have never felt feminine. I am very excited about my surgery. I am also very nervous. I really hope that this surgery helps me to feel better about myself, feel sexy and more like a woman. I will be posting photos before and after so you can see that I am not having this surgery just because I want to have bigger breasts, that is just a plus :D I doing this so maybe ill finally feel sort of normal and like a real woman. You will be able to see from the photos I post EXACTLY why i am choosing this surgery.
Im sure a few of you are already wondering, well what does this cost? My surgery ended up being a little bit less than $5,900 but I am hoping it will be well worth it. If you have any questions feel free to ask. My next posts will be photos of my breasts the day before my surgery.
I also wanted to let everyone who doesn't know I am happily married to an incredible man who is very supportive of this process and of my blog.
Thank for reading my blog, I hope that you find it helpful.
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